OK, the headline is overly dramatic. For starters it isn’t MY library, it’s the library I go to in order to work while my kiddo is still at school. And it isn’t closing so much as temporarily shutting so that it can be remodeled.
It’s odd too, because it is a very nice, very modern, seemingly up to date library. The “after” artist drawings don’t seem like an enormous improvement. Maybe a bunch of behind the scenes stuff is out of date, or whatever.
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Anyway, that sets me up for finding a new work locale after the Christmas break. There are numerous coffee shops, but I prefer libraries and I don’t have to feel guilty for taking up a table for 3 hours while ordering a single coffee. (However, papa does need a gingerbread latte every now and then.) Turns out there are two libraries pretty close. Ironically, the closest one is apparently in a different city of the Denver metro area because it is not part of the same library system.

Colorado libraries (at least the ones in the Denver area) are pretty chill about giving library cards to people from another city, but it still means getting another library card if I want to check out books or reserve a room, or whatever. I mean, I just got around to getting a library card for this library after two months of coming here pretty much every weekday.
There is another library from this library district in the area. It’s ten minutes away instead of my current three minutes, and the other library’s six or seven minutes, so hardly a big deal. I’ll probably try both of them out and see which one I end up liking better.
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Still finding and getting comfortable in new digs always takes a while. I turns out that a seemingly great spot can have too much sunlight on one side, or it’s so close to the elevators you constantly hear the machinery turning inside. Eventually, you find “your spot.” Then you find a backup spot in case someone is in your spot, or in case that turns out to be the area some chucklehead uses while on the phone. (Seriously, it’s a library. How hard is it to figure out that you can’t just jabber on your phone?)
On the upside, I really am not a fan of the hardwood chairs without cushions that are placed at all the tables at my current library. There are padded chairs, but then no desk or table to use. Maybe one of these other libraries has the ability to offer comfy seating, while still using a table or desk.
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