Once upon a time, we bought a house. Not just any house, but a house in the suburbs. That was a mistake. I still don’t have a Chinese food place that can deliver. Even if I go get it, I’ve tried a dozen places and none of them really meets our needs. This is in contrast to having family arguments over which of the three or four Chinese food places we liked to order from when we lived closer to town.
The reality is that we moved for our children, and while I don’t regret that, I’m not sure the benefits we thought they would get are all that used, or valuable, which brings us to the live and flip.
Fixing Up the House To Flip It While We Live Here
Traditionally, the way you flip a house, is that you buy a house, then spend a few weeks or months making highly marketable improvements, and then you sell the house for a profit, covering both the purchase costs and the improvement costs. Most of the time, you don’t even move in.
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We, however, are not going to move right away, despite not loving our new home. Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of square footage, a family room down in the basement, and plenty of rooms and an office. It’s nicer newer construction. However, we know this isn’t our “permanent” home, or even a 10-year home. So, we are fixing it up, with an eye to both making it better for us while we live here for the next year or two, and making it sell better when we leave.
Which brings us to today.
Flip To Granite
When we moved in, the countertops were beige tile. Basically, the owner before us bought the house from the builder and took the base options for pretty much everything. The result? A beige, oak cabinet kitchen. That’s not really our jam, so we are painting the cabinets white (Yikes! What a pain!) and having the tile countertop replaced with granite.
The granite guys are here right now. Like many construction workers they seem like hard-working, earnest men, but they don’t speak much English. That isn’t an issue, except that removing tile is a fairly destructive process and neither of them has the means to reassure me about what they are doing, and how they are doing it.
So, I’m hiding in the basement and hoping everything goes smoothly.

You can see my Acorns app review over here.
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